July 29, 2004

recording clips

Everybody Everybody! Give thegreengrape mucho props for a great recording session yesterday. She gave me permission to share some of it, so, grab some decent headphones or turn up those kickin' speakers and click HERE!

And HERE's some of the lovely "tango sounding piece!"

July 28, 2004

dead flowers

I can't win. I killed the flowers I planted while Nadine was gone. They're in the flowerboxes on the front of our house. But only one side is dead. Go figure. Anyway, come to find out, she wanted petunias anyway.

July 27, 2004

michael moore

Well, I thought Michael Moore handled himself well on The O'Reilly Factor tonight. Better than Al Franken would have... I was actually more impressed with Ben Affleck at the beginning of the program. He really came across well, and I like the fact that O'Reilly gave him props for being well-informed and well-spoken. Moore and O'Reilly wasted too much time arguing over semantics, and it was obvious neither was going to back down. That's fine though. At least Moore finally appeared on the program. And they eventually agreed to disagree, and ended with a handshake.

Now, I'm going to warn everyone... If it's not obvious already, I'm a bit of a news/politics junkie. Just don't hate me because I'd consider myself a "moderate conservative," if I had to pick a label. That just happens to be where my values and opinions are at the moment. I realize it may not be "cool" to align myself with the republican party or President Bush, but I challenge anyone to examine your own core values and ideals. This is a deeply divided country, but I don't think it needs to be. There will always be extremes on the right or the left. It's ok to be in the middle somewhere. If you're not cool with the politics or news posts, just ignore them. I'll try to post other stuff, too. I'm still cool, and I think you are too... Seriously.

We began watching Amazing Race from the beginning tonight. It's Nadine's favorite show. I'm falling asleep at my laptop. Came to a moment ago to find several hundred o's chasing each other across this post. Must... go... sleep...

o'reilly tonight

Wake the kids, phone the neighbors, hang on to your wigs and keys, get ready for the fireworks... Michael Moore is on O'Reilly tonight!

she's coming home!

Date: 26 Jul 2004
Flight: SA - South African - 211
Departs: 19:40 JNB - Johannesburg International
Arrives: 8:20 27 Jul 2004 ATL - Hartsfield Jackson Intl Arpt

Date: 27 Jul 2004
Flight: DL - Delta - 4408
Departs: 11:03 ATL - Hartsfield Jackson Intl Arpt
Arrives: 11:49 SBN - Michiana Regional Arpt

Now perhaps my life will return to some semblance of normality.
Hallelujah! I was about to go insane.

July 26, 2004

dennis miller

My favorite show on TV these days, automatically Tivo'd for me nightly: Dennis Miller, M-F, 9pm/12am, CNBC, "featuring reasoned discourse, opinion and humor." Oh, and a chimp, too...

From an interview with The Weekly Standard:
"I don't think of myself as a classic conservative," says Miller. "I think of myself as a pragmatist. And these days, pragmatism falls into the conservative camp. We have to depend on ourselves in this country right now because we can't depend on anyone else. We are simultaneously the most loved, hated, feared, and respected nation on this planet.

anti-social hermit

Yay! My wife comes home tomorrow! No more anti-social hermit behavior, gotta finish cleaning the house. Three weeks is too long to be alone. Yeah yeah, I played with the dogs and stuff, but the cat will definitely be happy when Mommy's home. Daddy just doesn't give her as much attention as she wants. Yuck, it looks weird typing "Mommy" and "Daddy" but I guess that's how we talk, so yeah, we're a little dorky like that. At least no plans for human children anytime soon. Ok that also looks weird. Doesn't preclude alien children I guess.


Took my doggies to the vet last week, and Zulu had a pretty bad ear infection,but I've got drops for his ear, and he's feeling a lot better already.


Aaaaaargh! Stuck in a staff meeting since 8:15.... It's now 11:05. Glad I have my laptop and wireless and the power cord, cause my batteries would be dead by now. Problem is, everyone else in this meeting keeps talking circles around the same subjects. And frankly, we're wasting time discussing most of it.

July 24, 2004

homepage updates

I recently updated my homepage at http://aboutthenelsons.com. I hope to update what's there, and maybe add some more goodies (pictures most likely) soon.

Oh by the way, DirecTV DVR rocks!