February 23, 2006

Restricted Area

IMG_7832, originally uploaded by Vaughan.

Sign on the fence surrounding the runway at the South Bend Regional Airport.

February 22, 2006

Young Stud

1975 4 2 Vaughan, originally uploaded by Vaughan.

Yup, that’s me :) I was blonde for a while…

February 21, 2006


IMG_6274, originally uploaded by Vaughan.

Played around with Photoshop a bit trying to get that “cross-processed” look. This is a shot from when we spent the day in downtown Chicago over Christmas break.

February 20, 2006

Fresh Snow

IMG_7584, originally uploaded by Vaughan.

It’s been cold, and we’ve gotten some fresh flurries. I like the red fire hydrant and stop sign in this picture of the house across the street.

February 19, 2006


IMG_7769, originally uploaded by Vaughan.

Took some pictures with Zulu yesterday. Set up some lights downstairs by his favorite chair, and just filled up my memory card. Usually it’s Jock who gets all the photographic attention, so I thought it was Zulu’s turn. He’s harder to photograph, too.

February 07, 2006


1973 11 3, originally uploaded by Vaughan.

My mom scanned a bunch of old slides. See the whole set here.

That’s my Dad and me. My dad was younger then than I am now. Kind of a weird concept to wrap my head around…